Headlines: Autumn 2023 Edition
Welcome to the Autumn 2023 edition of the Headlines newsletter with news and updates from our programmes and services.
A Note from our Chief Executive
We are quickly moving towards the festive period and the end of another busy year for our team. As the season changes, we reflect on all that we have achieved over the last 12 months and look ahead to a New Year and new opportunities.
Take a look below to find out what we have been up to and some of the upcoming events and activities that you can get involved with to help support Community First and our work with people and communities in Wiltshire. This includes a fantastic match-funding opportunity through The Big Give for our young carers service and a Unique Concert for Wiltshire in support of Youth Action Wiltshire, Wiltshire Air Ambulance and the Wiltshire Bobby Van Trust.
Annual Review, AGM & Awards Celebration
Our AGM and Awards Celebration took place on Wednesday 11th October at Devizes Town Hall. It was a pleasure to welcome our guests and award winners to the event. Thank you to everyone who attended. A list of award winners and photographs from the event can be found on our website.
You can also view and download a copy of our Annual Review which celebrates our achievements over the last 12 months. A summary of the Annual Review is also featured in our 2022-2023 celebration film which you can view using the video link below:
Company for Christmas
For those in Chippenham, Box, Corsham and surrounding villages, Company for Christmas will be hosting a free 3 course Christmas lunch on Christmas day. The event includes a quiz and raffle. Everyone is welcome, but booking is essential as spaces are limited. For more information, please visit: www.companyforchristmas.com
Quick Links
Note from our CEO
Annual Review & AGM
Christmas Opening Hours
Company for Christmas
Organisation Updates
The Big Give
Community Insurance
Outdoor Education
Heritage Days – Feedback
First Aid Training
Youth Action Wiltshire
A Unique Concert for Wiltshire
Carol Service
Sailing Voyage
Young Leaders Training
Community Development
Village Halls
Get Out Get Active
Rural Youth Project
Link Schemes
LCF Grants
MiDAS Training
Employability Programmes

Organisation Updates
The Big Give – Christmas Challenge
This year, Community First is taking part in The Big Give Christmas Challenge 2023 which is a national match-funding campaign. We are raising money to support Wiltshire Young Carers Service delivered by our fantastic young carers team through Youth Action Wiltshire.
Every donation pledged between 28th November – 5th December 2023 is eligible to be match funded, until we meet our match-funding target of £2,000, which means your donation makes double the difference to young carers in Wiltshire.
If you are considering making a small donation to support our work with young carers this Christmas, please consider donating during the campaign period as your pledge will be matched by a donor partner so we can help even more young carers in 2024.
Please visit our pledge page from 28th November 2023 or search ‘Community First’ in the search box on The Big Give Christmas Challenge website.
Thank you for supporting young carers in Wiltshire this Christmas.
New website for Community Insurance
Community Insurance is a specialist insurance agent service from Community First. We work with leading provider Zurich to offer comprehensive insurance for village halls, community buildings, playing field associations and local councils.
We have recently launched a new website for Community Insurance with more information about insurance policies, claims information and online forms to request a free, no obligation quotation. The website also features a series of useful guides.
For more information visit: www.communityinsurance.co.uk, telephone 01380 732809 or email: communityinsurance@communityfirst.org.uk
Outdoor Education
Oxenwood Outdoor Education Centre
Oxenwood Outdoor Education Centre is now taking new bookings for 2024. The centre is fully equipped for day and residential bookings for schools and groups with a variety of adventure activities including archery, canoeing and climbing. Our Outdoor Education Team can also design and lead a bespoke heritage learning day for your school or group. This is a truly unique learning experience that everyone will enjoy!
Some recent examples of heritage learning days designed and delivered by our team at Oxenwood include:
John of Gaunt School
Students from The John of Gaunt School recently attended a ‘Living History Day’ at Oxenwood. The students learned about British Army recruitment in 1914 and handled artefacts from the era. Some students were also kitted out as a soldier. The students formed battalion and learned how to fire a rifle and use a bayonet. The battalion then crossed ‘no-man-land’ whilst being fired at by the enemy (using a gel gun). The ‘Living History Day’ was delivered by the Oxenwood Outdoor Education Team who provided the trained re-enactor and led the safe handling of weaponry. Feedback was very positive:
“The days provided an enrichment opportunity for Year 9 students who have been studying the events of the First World War and how these shaped our island’s history. An event like this really brings History alive as the students don’t just learn about events but experience them. It’s the next best thing to having a time machine!”
Cricklade Manor Prep School
Students at Cricklade Manor Prep School attended a learning day at Oxenwood, led by our Outdoor Education Team.
The team designed an immersive experience which taught the students about life in the Stone Age. The school said:
“We were all blown away by your immersive experience and the children have been thoroughly inspired by their trip. Thanks must also go to Emily and Mo who led our group capably and who extended the warmth of Oxenwood to us all! We look forward to coming back and visiting again soon.”

We are delighted to hear that schools and groups are benefiting from the amazing opportunities for learning and adventure offered by our team at Oxenwood. A full list of pricing for 2024-2025 is now available on our website. For more information or to design your bespoke residential, day or learning experience contact: enquiries@oxenwoodcentre.com
First Aid Training at Oxenwood
We are now offering a range of first aid courses at Oxenwood Outdoor Education Centre, led by Deputy Centre Manager & Outdoor Education Instructor Mo. A list of available courses can be viewed via Oxenwood First Aid Training Courses. Please email Mo: dmaloney@oxenwoodcentre.com for more information.
Youth Action Wiltshire

A Unique Concert for Wiltshire
A Unique Concert for Wiltshire will be held at the historic Salisbury Cathedral on Thursday 8th February 2024 to raise vital funds for Youth Action Wiltshire, Wiltshire Air Ambulance and Wiltshire Bobby Van Trust.
The event will see award-winning concert pianist Rupert Egerton-Smith as special guest artist, in performance with The Band of The Grenadier Guards and The Band and Bugles of The Rifles.
Ticket prices start at £15 and can be purchased online at A Unique Concert for Wiltshire, or by calling the Salisbury Cathedral box office on 01722 656 555.
Thank you to everyone involved in organising this very special event in support of local charities.
More information about the event can be found on our website.

Carols by Candlelight
Youth Action Wiltshire invites you to Carols by Candlelight to celebrate the 25-year anniversary of Wiltshire Young Carers Service. The event will take place on Friday 8th December 2023 (7pm) at Malmesbury Abbey. Drinks and canapes will be served following the service. Proceeds will fund a programme of exciting and fun respite activities for Wiltshire Young Carers, including music and songwriting, workshops, art, wildlife and adventure activities.
There are a limited number of tickets left, so please reserve your ticket as soon as possible using the ticket application form or email Ginnie Keen: ginniekeen@gmail.com.
A group of 10 young people supported by Youth Action Wiltshire were given the opportunity to sail alongside British kite surfer and Olympic trainer Maddy Anderson after working hard to develop their skills on a Voyage of Exploration with Tall Ships Youth Trust.
The voyage gave the young people, all selected from Wiltshire Young Carers and Splash Targeted Youth Support Services, a unique opportunity to develop their self-confidence as well as skills in communication, problem-solving, teamwork and leadership.
This was a fantastic experience for the young people and we would like to thank everyone involved in helping to support this very special voyage including our funders and partners Tall Ships Youth Trust, The Hugo Halkes Charitable Trust, Wiltshire Council and The Office of The Police and Crime Commissioner for Wiltshire.
For more information, please see our blog post.
Christmas shopping? Don’t forget to sign-up for easyfundraising
Have you started your Christmas shopping? Don’t forget to sign-up for easyfundraising and support Community First when you shop online. Registering is free and every time you make a purchase you generate free funds for Community First which supports the delivery of our programmes and services (including Youth Action Wiltshire) at no extra cost to you!
You can get started by visiting our sign-up page on the easyfundraising website.
Community Development

Save the Date – Village Halls Week 2024
The popular Village Halls Week campaign which aims to raise awareness of England’s 10,000+ rural community buildings will return in March 2024.
Since it began in 2018, Village Halls Week has previously taken place in January each year, attracting a growing online following, local events and media attention. Highlights have included an online Domesday Book marking 100 years of village halls, a specially commissioned poem from Ian McMillian and an event in parliament held to garner the support of politicians across the benches.
In response to feedback from its members, Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE) has announced that Village Halls Week 2024 will take place slightly later than usual, from 18 to 24 March.
The campaign will place particular emphasis on how hall management committees can make their building more energy efficient, and support initiatives that contribute to Net Zero in their community.
ACRE’s Village Halls Manager, Deborah Clarke said: “We’re pleased to announce that Village Halls Week 2024 will return in March next year on the theme of environmental sustainability. Following conversations with colleagues in the ACRE Network, we decided to hold the campaign in springtime when weather should be better, making it easier for halls to host local events that engage their community.”
Colleagues in the ACRE Network suggested the campaign focus on environmental sustainability as many halls have approached them about managing their energy bills over the past year, many of whom are keen contribute to the wider Net Zero agenda.
ACRE will share more details about the campaign in due course, but please keep an eye out for more information and show your support for our vital village halls and community buildings.

Life-changing impact of GOGA celebrated at national event.
Our Village Halls and Community Buildings Advisor Helen attended the national Get Out Get Active (GOGA) celebration event in Birmingham on 19th October 2023. This was a fantastic event which celebrated the impact of the GOGA programme and the people involved. Helen attended alongside Emma from Arundells to talk about the gardening project delivered in Wiltshire with support from GOGA and the Activity Alliance.
Get Out Get Active aims to bring disabled and non-disabled people together to be active. It strengthens community spirit, increases confidence, and improves mental health. Activities are provided by local authorities, sports clubs, and the voluntary sector. Community First has worked alongside managing partner Wiltshire and Swindon Sport (WASP) and partners Wiltshire Council, Wessex Community Action, Age UK Wiltshire and Wiltshire Centre for Independent Living, to deliver the GOGA project locally.
The event gave everyone present an opportunity to reflect on the impact of GOGA. It gave those present a chance to celebrate how the programme has changed the lives of those involved, how the GOGA approach brings people together and how people continue to embed the GOGA way into their lives.

Wiltshire Association of Local Councils
The summer saw a quieter period for Wiltshire Association of Local Councils, following the WALC Conference. Moving into the autumn, a training day was held at the Community First office in Devizes. 38 Councillors attended the session which was split into two groups, with one group looking at Finance for Councillors and the second group hearing about Legislation governing Parish Councils and how to engage with residents.
Groups were swapped around in the afternoon, so all 38 covered both topics. Lunch was taken together, which was greatly appreciated with everyone comparing notes on their parishes and finding lots of similarities!
October saw Annual General Meetings; nationally both NALC and SLCC held their meetings. The Annual General Meeting of WALC saw the chair, Cllr John Scragg re-elected and Cllr Andrew Sadler-Smith newly elected as the vice-chair. Both posts are for 12 months.
And as this is going to press, budgets and subscriptions are being carefully calculated ready for invoices to be sent out in April for membership in 2024/25.
Rural Youth Project – Durrington Pop Up Event
The Community Development team delivered a successful pop up event on the 10th October 2023 funded by the Wiltshire Council Stonehenge Area Board Local Youth Network. The event was supported by Durrington Council, Stacey from District Sports, Buzz Action (with circus skills), Wiltshire Councillors, Durrington Youth Club and its brilliant volunteers.
Over 70 young people from Durrington and the Stonehenge Community Area enjoyed an evening of fun and laughter, trying out new activities and meeting friends. The zorbing balls were a huge favourite, alongside sporting activities including badminton, rounders, tag rugby and football. The event also featured fizzy pong, henna tattoos, cooking, jewellery making, designing pencil cases, rock painting and more.
“A huge thank you to all who attended and to the great organizational skills of the Community First team, also those who made the evening so special taking time out to support young people.” Wiltshire Cllr Graham Wright (Durrington)
For more information about delivering youth events in your area with support from our team, please contact Katrina Watson: kwatson@communityfirst.org.uk.
Link Schemes and Community Transport
The Community Development team are currently involved in a project that will offer support to the Link Schemes to help with the recruitment of volunteers. The team have spent 5 days on the ground in 5 different areas across Wiltshire engaging with the community.
All primary schools in Wiltshire have been emailed with a flyer and many have been kind enough to share the recruitment flyer on their school newsletter. We have managed to recruit 16 volunteers. We have another 5 days available to offer to the Links, so if you would like help with volunteer recruitment, please do get in touch.
There are 42 Link Schemes in Wiltshire with approximately 1,600 volunteers who help to keep communities connected to vital local services by offering door-to-door transport to shops, lunch clubs and medical appointments. Volunteering with your local Link Scheme is a great way to meet new people, make friends and give something back to your community.
You can find your local Link Scheme by using our Community Transport Directory and there are several ways to be involved, including as a Link Driver or Link Coordinator. Link Drivers use their own cars and a mileage allowance is paid.
For more information or to enquire about volunteering with Link, please email: linkproject@communityfirst.org.uk

Landfill Communities Fund
It has been an exceptionally busy year for the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) and our Grants Manager Mary Hardwidge. Community First manages and administrates the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) in Wiltshire and Swindon. The LCF offers capital funding for local community, heritage and environmental projects in areas where local landfill operator sites or depots are located.
Over £5.5m of funding has been distributed through the LCF since 2002.
Funding for the LCF in Wiltshire and Swindon is received from landfill operators The Hills Group Ltd and Crapper & Sons Landfill Ltd. In 2022-2023 a total of 37 projects were funded through the Landfill Communities Fund, with £406,993 paid out to community groups and organisations (from a total of £431,748 approved during this period).
Due to high demand, Community First has temporarily paused new expressions of interest and applications for the Landfill Communities Fund whilst we work through the current requests. We will share an update on our website once we are able to receive expressions of interest again.

Minibus Driver Awareness Training
The Community First Minibus Driver Awareness (MiDAS) training scheme for schools, groups and organisations continues to go from strength to strength. We are now getting booking enquiries from around the country and demand for training is high.
MiDAS is a nationally recognised scheme for the assessment and training of minibus drivers. Community First MiDAS Training is led by our fantastic Training Co-ordinator Martin Carter. Martin is a retired Police Advanced Driver with over 35 years’ experience of driving minibuses.
The MiDAS training course includes a session on how to operate a minibus safely. This is followed by a 30-minute multiple-choice assessment with 20 questions. Trainees will need to answer 16 questions correctly to pass the theory test. Finally, there will be a practical test which incorporates a driving skills training session and an assessment drive which will last just over an hour, with the assessment taking 30 minutes. Upon completion of the theory and practical test, trainees will receive a certificate which is valid for 4 years.
Pricing is based on a minimum group size of 3 drivers per booking and starts at £105.00 per person. We are now taking new bookings for 2024 and early booking is recommended to secure a training place.
Please contact mcarter@communityfirst.org.uk or see the MiDAS training leaflet for more information.
Employability Programmes

Community First will soon launch a refreshed website for The Building Bridges and Inspire Swindon Programmes. We aim to have this online in the next few weeks. In the meantime, please continue to use the referral form on the holding page or contact the lead team by email: hello@buildingbridgessw.org.uk or telephone: 01380 732821.
Our two current employability programmes (Building Bridges in Wiltshire and Inspire Swindon for young people in Wiltshire) which started in July are both delivering strongly. Across the two programmes we are currently supporting a total of 75 participants with another 58 referrals currently being allocated out to Support Workers.
The programmes are both already delivering fantastic outcomes – in September, 17 of the NEET/At Risk young people that we had been supporting moved on to college courses and with our support have sustained their attendance. We have also supported 6 participants into work and are currently supporting them to sustain their roles.
We are in discussions to build additional capacity into our Wiltshire programme to support more refugees and people affected by homelessness – we hope to be able to start this in early 2024.
Finally, we are pleased to announce that with funding from The National Lottery Community Fund we will be able to start a new programme to support adults in Swindon in mid-January – more on this in our next newsletter.
Growing Up and Moving On Event
The Building Bridges Programme team met young people at the Growing Up and Moving On Event held at the Civic Centre, Trowbridge on 13th October 2023. This event was aimed at children and young people with an EHCP in order to support their progression into adult life. There were many workshops and stall holders for them to see. The team worked on a skills tree where individuals can write a leaf of what they would like to be or their goal and under the soil is the roots or foundations of building up to those skills.