Voice It, Hear It Celebrates Co-Production Week in Wiltshire

by | Jul 4, 2024

Voice It, Hear It logo

Community First is working with Wiltshire Service Users Network, Wessex Community Action, Age UK Wiltshire, Alzheimer’s Support and Celebrating Age Wiltshire to deliver a co-production, voice and engagement project in Wiltshire. The project called Voice It, Hear It was launched in early 2024 and aims to engage with people living and working in Wiltshire to co-produce, co-design and co-develop local  health and social care services. Voice It, Hear It is funded by Wiltshire Council and Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board.

Co-Production Week 2024

Co-production is about working in equal partnership with services users, this includes carers, families and other individuals in the community. Co-production offers the chance to transform social care and health provision to a model that offers people real choice, agency and control. Co-production Week 2024 is a celebration of the power of co-production to design and develop better ways of doing things in health and social care. Co-production Week is hosted by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) and aims to celebrate the benefits of co-production, share good practice and promote the contribution of people who are helping to develop better services for all.

During Co-Production Week 2024, the Voice It, Hear It team are pleased to share some of the ways they have been working with people who use local health and social care services in Wiltshire to help make them better for the future.

The team has completed or is currently working towards a number of projects in 2024 which are outlined below.

Voice It, Hear It – Co-Production Projects in Wiltshire

  • Learning Disability and Autism Health Screening: Working with people with lived experience and public health to understand how screening can be made more accessible and comfortable for people. Topics include bowel, breast and cervical cancer screening and testicular checks.
  • Technology Enabled Care: Exploring how 18-25 year olds use technology to enhance their independence and how they find out what is available for them.
  • Wiltshire Council Prevention Strategy: Working with people with lived experience to find out what prevention means to them. What improvements and solutions are needed to meet the diverse needs of our population?
  • Care Quality Commission Adult Social Care Inspection: Engaging with adults and carers to hear their experiences of Adult Social Care in Wiltshire. Do they feel listened to? Are their choices about their care respected and are they involved in planning their care? What works well and what could be done better?
  • Accommodation Strategy: Identify the vision and aims of older people to maintain their independence and control within their own home. If not in their own home, how service can be designed to feel like a real home. How older people can be more involved in planning for their future home needs in a timely way.
  • Wiltshire Museum Assize Court Development: Working alongside the museum to recruit and support a disability advisory group to help inform the museum redevelopment.
  • Wiltshire Learning and Disability Strategy: Working with people with learning disabilities to ensure the aims of the strategy are meaningful to them and to add anything they feel is missing. Voice It, Hear It will be running a series of creative workshops in the community.
  • Your Care Your Support Wiltshire: Working with people in the community to understand what they use this website for, how accessible they find it and how people like and need information to be presented.

The Voice It, Hear It partnership is committed to hearing a diverse range of voices within the community. Feedback is based on consultation and engagement with people who have physical disabilities, sensory needs, mental health issues, learning disabilities, neurodiversity, long-term health conditions, complex needs, older people and people with dementia. Engagement and reporting methods include focus groups, one-to-one interviews, surveys, workshops, social media and other digital channels, videos and artworks.

Through this important outreach and engagement project we can work together to inspire positive change in local support and services for people who live in Wiltshire. For more information email: voice@communityfirst.org.uk.

Stay up to date with Voice It, Hear It on social media:

Facebook: Voice It, Hear It

Instagram: @WiltsVoice

Voice It, Hear It - Chippenham group workshop attendees
Voice It, Hear It - Group Feedback Session
Group feedback session for Voice It, Hear It
Two people holding up feedback signs
A participant holding a note which says 'secondary'
Pen and paper activity as part of a feedback session
Voice It, Hear It - Project Artwork
A participant with a note which says 'secondary'
Three people with a video board
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