Creative & Digital Portfolio

Branding & Identity
The Building Bridges programme is a partnership of organisations, led by Community First, who have come together to deliver the Building Better Opportunities programme across Swindon and Wiltshire. The programme is jointly funded by the Big Lottery Fund and the European Social Fund.
Alongside the Building Bridges website design and print design, Bold also developed comprehensive branding and publicity guidelines to support programme partners and created a unique brand identity for the programme itself.
The Guidelines
The Big Lottery Fund and the European Social Fund have stringent branding and publicity requirements which must be adhered to by organisations who receive funding. Failure to do so can have serious implications (including funding clawback) and projects can be audited for up to 10 years after the programme has ended. A key area where funding clawback can occur is branding and publicity.
Bold worked closely with managing partner Community First to review guidance from the Big Lottery Fund and the European Social Fund in relation to branding including logo size, logo placement, colour and font recommendations as well as mandatory requirements for various marketing channels. These were summarised in one single document with step by step guidance and recommendations.
We also created branded templates and correctly sized logos (in various formats/sizes) which were made available to partners in a secure shared folder.
Building Bridges Brand
Bold worked closely with Community First to develop a unique brand identity for the Building Bridges programme. This was important as over 40 partners are involved in delivering the programme and Community First was keen to ensure visual consistency as well as adherence to funder requirements.
Using the programme logo and funder logo as a starting point, Bold created a colour palette which complemented both logos and chose a selection of appropriate typography. Drawing on the programme aims and objectives, we also made recommendations on photography and chose a selection of stock imagery which was shared with partners.