Support Services

Community First provides support to 21 Community Minibus Groups and 42 Link Schemes in Wiltshire and Swindon, as well as start-up advice, support and funding for new transport groups.

Support Services

Community First provides support to 21 Community Minibus Groups and 42 Link Schemes in Wiltshire and Swindon, as well as start-up advice, support and funding for new transport groups.

Supporting Local Transport Groups

The Community Transport team at Community First provides an advisory and support service to the 42 Link Schemes and 21 Community Minibus groups across Wiltshire and Swindon. Alongside this, we also offer support to existing transport groups who are considering expanding their services (for instance by running new passenger services).

Community First also provides hands-on assistance to community organisations (such as parish councils, schools, voluntary organisations and transport interest groups) wanting to establish new Community Transport initiatives, which includes help with assessing local needs, governance and funding advice, as well as help with publicity and training needs.

The support services provided by the Community First Community Transport team as well as some of the Community Transport services provided by local community minibus groups in Wiltshire are funded by Wiltshire Council.

Our Community Transport Support Services

Support for local Community Minibus Groups

Community First provides support to the existing network of Community Minibus Groups in Wiltshire and Swindon. We support local groups by providing technical advice about operating a community minibus service. We also offer management committee and driver training, including the nationally recognised Minibus Driver Awareness Scheme (MiDAS).

Finally, we can offer practical support with fundraising through the Wiltshire Community Transport Development fund. This fund is supported by Wiltshire Council and managed by Community First. The fund gives priority to voluntary and community transport projects that provide services for the general public, particularly where public transport is no longer financially sustainable.

Start-Up Support Services

Community First provides hands-on support to community groups and voluntary organisations who are looking to establish a new Community Transport service or initiative. We can work with you to establish local transport needs, help you decide the best governance structure for your transport group and offer support to set up your committee. We can also work with you to find funding, arrange training and help to you promote or publicise your new group.

Community First also offers start-up assistance to existing transport groups who are looking to expand or add new services. The type of support available to established schemes looking to expand includes: Enterprise training on areas including V.A.T. registration, contract pricing and development of Community Transport passenger services. Development of a Community Transport ‘Good Practice Guide’ covering all areas associated with running and developing Community Transport services and assistance with registering ‘Section 22’ Community Bus services for the general public.

Wiltshire Community Transport Development Fund

Funded by Wiltshire Council and managed by Community First, the Wiltshire Community Transport Development Fund has been created with the aim of existing community and voluntary transport groups to provide a wider range of service, enable communities to trial new services which assist local people to better access local facilities and to support the establishment of wholly new community and voluntary transport groups

Particular priority will be given to enabling community and voluntary transport to provide services that cater for the general public, especially where they wholly or partially replace subsidised public transport services that are no longer financially sustainable.

Get in Touch

If you would like support for an existing group, help to set up a new group or advice on the Community Transport Development fund, please contact the Community Transport team:

01380 722 475


Volunteer with your local Link Scheme or Community Minibus group.

Transport Directory

Find a local Link Scheme or Community Minibus group in Wiltshire and Swindon.

Contact Us

Contact details for the Community First team, including the Community Transport team.