Voice It, Hear It

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Voice It, Hear It

Community voices inspiring positive change to local support and services.

Voice It, Hear It, is a new project that unifies the collective strength of its partners to support the voice and engagement of people in Wiltshire. The project is delivered by Community First, Wessex Community Action, Wiltshire Service Users Network, Age UK Wiltshire, Alzheimer’s Support and Celebrating Age Wiltshire. The project is funded by Wiltshire Council and Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board (BSW ICB).

Have Your Say - Homecare Services in Wiltshire

Our Voice It, Hear It team is working with Wiltshire Council to find out what people have to say about homecare services in Wiltshire. Find out how you can be involved and shape the future of homecare services across the county. Find out how you can get imvolved and share your feedback today

Voice It Hear It Stakeholder Engagement Registration

Voice It, Hear It aims to engage residents and workers to co-produce, co-design, and co-develop local health and social care services. We would like to hear from organisations who are interested in supporting the project as extended partners and help us find out what people have to say about support and services locally.

About Voice It, Hear It

Working alongside Wiltshire Council and the BaNES, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board (BSW ICB) Voice It, Hear It will be engaging with people living and working in Wiltshire to co-produce, co-design and co-develop health and social care services in Wiltshire.

The team will work alongside people with physical disabilities, sensory needs, mental health conditions, learning disabilities, neurodiversity, long-term conditions, complex needs, older people and dementia. Empowering and facilitating them to have their say and get involved in shaping how health and social care services work for them now and in the future.

Voice It, Hear It Projects

The Voice It, Hear It team has a number of projects underway and scheduled throughout 2024. These are requested by Wiltshire Council, the Integrated Care Board and partners in our community.

Learning Disability and Autism Life Expectancy

Working with people with lived experience and public health to understand how screening can be made more accessible and comfortable for people. Topics include bowel, breast and cervical cancer screening and testicular checks.

Technology Enabled Care

Exploring how 18-25 year olds use technology to enhance their independence and how they find out what is available for them.

Wiltshire Council Prevention Strategy

Working with people with lived experience to find out what prevention means to them. What improvements and solutions are needed to meet the diverse needs of our population?

Care Quality Commission Adult Social Care Inspection

Engaging with adults and carers to hear their experiences of Adult Social Care in Wiltshire. Do they feel listened to? Are their choices about their care respected and are they involved in planning their care? What works well and what could be done better?

Accommodation Strategy

Identify the vision and aims of older people to maintain their independence and control within their own home. If not in their own home how service can be designed to feel like a real home. How older people can be more involved in planning for their future home needs in a timely way.

Wiltshire Museum Assize Court Development

Working alongside the museum to recruit and support a disability advisory group to help inform the museum redevelopment.

Engagement and Reporting Methods

  • Focus groups
  • 1-1 interviews
  • Surveys
  • Workshops
  • Social media
  • Flinga
  • Facebook polls/forums
  • Qualitative/quantitative reports
  • Videos
  • Artworks
  • Campaign sharing
  • Awareness

Download the project summary as a PDF.

We’d love to hear from you

01380 722475


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Funded by:

Wiltshire Council and BSW ICB Logo