Young Victims of Crime Service
Splash provides support for young victims of crime from Wiltshire and Swindon aged under 18 years. Our service, launched in March 2019 is designed to work with young victims of crime over a sustained period of time to help them to cope and recover from their experience of crime.

Our Offer;
For Young Victims of Crime Aged Under 8 Years
- Working with the child’s main carer we will provide supported signposting to local Children’s centres, emotional literary support in schools and age appropriate specialist services such as child and adolescent mental health services.
- A support pack for the young person and their parent/guardian.
- If more intensive support is deemed appropriate we will support the child to access counselling via our partners Relate, Wiltshire Mind and The Family Counselling Trust (age appropriate assessments are required).
- Individualised support materials for example, Worry Monster activity packs..
For Young Victims of Crime Aged 8-18 Years
- A support pack for the young person and their parent/guardian.
- Working directly with the young person we will provide 1 to 1 coaching with an experienced Splash Youth Support Worker. Together they will create an Action Plan using self reflection tools which identify any areas of development/barriers or challenges the young person wishes to overcome. Working through the Action Plan over a period of time aids increased confidence and self-esteem, facilitating the development of resilience in a bid to cope and recover from their experience of crime.
- Fun, positive activities during, evenings, weekends and school holidays which are designed to increase young peoples confidence and self-esteem, give them opportunities to interact positively with peers, have fun and make friends.
- Support to understand and access Restorative Justice practices as and when appropriate.
- Advocacy and supported signposting to specialist services where appropriate.
- Training to become a Peer Mentor, Young Leader or Young Listener and then volunteering opportunities, helping other young victims of crime cope with and recover from their experiences of crime.
- Opportunities to join our Splash Young Victims Of Crime Voice Groups and provide feedback to a multitude of services involved in the criminal justice system.
- Support to access local clubs and groups to maintain regular interaction with peers.
- 1 to 1 or family counselling via our partners Relate, Wiltshire Mind and The Family Counselling Trust, where appropriate.
- Staff led webinars to keep young people connected.

Contact us
01380 732 829
A translation service is available if required.
Our service (2022-2023)
Young victims of crime accessed service support
Increased support networks
Reported Splash enabled a cope and recover journey
“People underestimate the impact of crime on the victim. Splash has been a major component in helping victims recognise it’s not their fault and let them know they are valued.”
“Splash makes young people feel so comfortable and be able to express themselves and play without having to hold back.”
“Everyone was really kind.”