Associate Membership Form

Membership runs from 1st April 2023- 31st March 2024
Associate Membership Form

Data Protection

Community First is legally bound by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to ensure that personal information is only used for the purpose for which it was requested and to ensure that the data is held securely. Like other charities, we use your information in connection with our activities and fundraising appeals. Your support is valuable to us and from time to time, we may wish to contact you about our work, activities and events as well as to send you members updates and information.

As part of the GDPR we need your express permission to send you email information and updates relating to our work. Please select your communications preferences by ticking the relevant box/es below 

Payment Method

Please indicate your preferred method of payment for the membership type selected above. Please send all cheques to: Community First Membership, FREEPOST RTRC-GKJC-SSSE, Unit C2, Beacon Business Centre, Hopton Park, Devizes, SN10 2EY.

Cheques Please make cheques payable to Community First and post to the address listed above. BACS CAF Bank Ltd: Account no: 00084711, Sort Code: 40 52 40, Quote Reference: CFMEMB

Gift Aid Declaration

Individuals can increase the value of the contribution to Community First by making a tax effective donation by Gift Aid find out more about gift aid