Wiltshire Council Seeks Feedback on Homecare Services – Have Your Say

by | Oct 16, 2024

Wiltshire Council is conducting a comprehensive review of its care at home/domiciliary care frameworks, with the aim of shaping the future of homecare services across the county. This review will contribute to the development of an options proposal for future commissioning in 2026.

The council is eager to hear from those who receive care at home, whether their care is council-funded or self-funded, as well as from carers, families, and care providers. The feedback collected will help inform how care services can best support people in their homes, how to improve the experience of finding care, and how to assist people in staying at home longer. The consultation is for adults (18+), children and young people, and adults with mental health needs, learning disabilities, or autism.

Key areas of feedback:

  • What do people need and want from care at home?
  • How does care work best for individuals?
  • How can the council assist people to remain at home for longer?
  • What are people’s experiences of finding care and working with the council when care is funded?
  • How does community support help people stay at home?
  • What is the experience of unpaid carers in working with care providers?
  • Looking ahead, how do people see the future needs of homecare changing?

How to get involved:

Voice It, Hear It is leading the consultation and engagement on behalf of Wiltshire Council. To ensure your voice is heard, we would like to invite homecare users, carers, and care providers to participate in this important consultation. Your voice matters!

Take our online survey: https://survey.zohopublic.eu/zs/YgBPRq

Book a 1-to-1 telephone consultation: (voice@communityfirst.org.uk)

Join a discussion group by booking one of our online sessions:

For more information or to get involved, please contact: voice@communityfirst.org.uk

Voice It, Hear It logo

Community First is working with Wiltshire Service Users Network, Wessex Community Action, Age UK Wiltshire, Alzheimer’s Support and Celebrating Age Wiltshire to deliver a co-production, voice and engagement project in Wiltshire. The project called Voice It, Hear It was launched in early 2024 and aims to engage with people living and working in Wiltshire to co-produce, co-design and co-develop local  health and social care services. Voice It, Hear It is funded by Wiltshire Council and Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board.

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